Why advertise with Community Magazine? In a word – results. Ask any of our current advertisers and they’ll tell you that spending your marketing dollars with Community will increase your return on investment. We connect local businesses directly to their potential customers in an effective, affordable way. You can begin a proven advertising campaign with Community Magazine for less than $160 a month! The best part is you will never have to worry about hidden fees – everything is included in that price… professional ad design, printing on premium paper, postage and delivery to tens of thousands of potential customers... all for less than two cents a delivery!
No other media will bring more NEW customers and added sales to your business than Community Magazine. Don’t believe us? Take a look at our testimonials and see for yourself!
We are ready to help you reach your local market more effectively and affordably! If you want to know why our advertisers really stay with us for years, keep reading. If you are ready to start a great partnership, please contact us by phone or fill out the form below.
We Focus On Local
We believe consumers like to shop locally, and we want to do everything in our power to support local business – that’s why we carefully select our advertising partners within the communities we serve.
Advertisers Get Solid Results
When you advertise in Community Magazine, your Return on Investment, or ROI, is measurable – and in many cases, unbelievable! We will likely bring in more NEW customers, former customers and added sales to your business than any other local media. In fact, one of our advertisers pays for his investment on the first day, within the first few hours of the magazines' arrival in homes. Another boasts a huge "50:1" return not once, but every time they run an ad!
Ads Are Affordable
The most expensive advertising campaign is the one that doesn’t work. When you entrust your marketing dollars to our team at Community Magazine, you can rest assured that you truly are reaching your potential customers! You will see them walk through your business door! We know you work hard for your advertising dollars, so we:
- take your investment seriously,
- focus on your local market,
- provide trackable results so you know if your ad is working, and
- we save you money in your marketing efforts!
Our Magazines Get Used For Months, Not Days
We know that the last thing people want is to be inundated with mail! Our research indicates that people much prefer quality over quantity… so that’s why we only publish five times a year, approximately every 10 weeks. Our advertisers see results throughout the magazines’ shelf life, from day one to day 70… and every day in between. Read our testimonials to see for yourself.
We Employ Professional Designers
Our designers are professional, creative and bright, and they consistently produce compelling images. When you pick up a copy of Community Magazine, you know right away that we’re different from the rest – it’s the way we look… the way we feel on 70# premium paper… and, it’s the first and lasting impressions we make. There is value, quality, and experience at every turn, and it comes at NO additional charge to you!
If you're interested in advertising please fill out the form below.